Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Novelist

Here's a new shot for my portfolio.  I've been sitting on this one for a while while I worked on some other things.  I posted the behind the scenes shots for this a couple months ago.  This image illustrates the task of compiling a life's work.  Some of us have a heavy urge to leave something behind and this gentlemen is working very seriously on his.


Brian Bankston said...

"IT" is a beautiful image and a beautiful story.

yogik9 said...

Thank you, Matt, your images are full of sense, beauty and sorrow. Thank you for your art.

walterparada said...

Hello! I recently discovered your work through a magazine which brought me to your website!

CONGRATULATIONS on such remarkable, truly original work! I sincerely envy your imagination, look, and style, and it is truly motivational toward pushing me to execute wonderful imagery. Yes, I, too, am a photographer (just place a dot com after my name). Granted, I don't have your unique, classic imagination, but I will definitely enjoy returning to your site for viewing updated work.

Best wishes to you and your future endeavors!


阿桃 said...

I love your works when i first saw it on the DPI.
The story make the image more colorful.
sorry my english is poor.
i wish you understand what i say . ^^

DAT said...

I personally really like this one a lot. Would love a print of it...nudge/nudge