Monday, March 14, 2011

Introducing the New Project

So I rambled a bit here about this project but i'll reintroduce it.

I am planning a new project that will be a series of narratives that will all intertwine into one big story.  I will be taking this project one step at a time.  My fellow shipmate and awesome old buddy Nick Kiripolsky illustrated this image for me as part of a storyboard for my project.

There's more.... this is just a teaser.

The project that I am beginning with is Ch. 4: The Story of the Forest King.

The 4th chapter of my epic photographic adventure tells the story of a desperate father's journey to save the life of his son... and the sacrifices made in the process...

I give my humblest thanks to the awesomely talented Nick for doing such a great job illustrating these storyboards so quickly over the course of an afternoon.

1 comment:

bunderlai said...

mateo, me encanta! y lo hiciste el dia de mi cumpleanos. gracias, gracias. looks incredible. i love the way you take us through these steps, dangling the poor guy to make it look outstanding in the finished photo. wow oh wow. you are something else. love you much.